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Welcome To Big Sim
Hello and welcom to BIG SIM the newest and best game show around where the winnwer can win up to 1,000 000 simoleons! 6 sims from all around the sim world have been selected to live together in the big sim house for 77 days and 77 nights.Everyday you can see how the 6 sims are getting along and for fun they will be set tasks.Remember these sims have never met each other before so will they love or loathe each other? Tune in to find out. You as a viewer can vote who to leave the big sim house and once a week one is thrown out based on your results!The last personal in the house will win the money which will change their lives for ever!
New site!
Big sim has moved to a better site!! With a new house and new contestants this site will still be running but check out both and have double the enjoyment!!!!! Visit

Its a must see
Latest info
Is romance blossoming between Leanne and Scott go to the info page to find out whats happening in the big sim house at the moment

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If you have any fun ideas for tasks then e-mail them me and then watch to see how they do!

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