Meet the contestants
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The contestants
see picture on the left
from top left Joel,Brad, Jasmine
From bottom left,Leanne, Scott, Rachel the presenter and Claire

Info on contestants
Name: Claire
Age: 28
Hates: Cruel people and cleaning
Hobbies: Reading and witchcraft
Lives: Simwood alone
Job: Librarian
Personal item: Voodoo doll
Spend money on: "I would donate all the money to the libary"

Name: Jasmine
Age: 25
Hates: Winter and the dark
Hobbies: Sunbathing and gardening
Lives:Simgardens with boyfriend
Job: Shop assistant
Personal item: Chocolates
Spend money on: "If I was to win the money I would open up my own garden centre and marry my boyfriend"

Name: Leanne
Hates: Spiders and cooking
Hobbies:Socialising and dancing
Lives: Simton with 3 friends from dance school
Job:Student at dance school
Personal item: Hot tub
Spend money on: "I would be very suprised if I won the money I would spend it on plastic surgery to improve my carrer

Name: Joel
Age: 31
Hates: Lazy people and loud noise
Hobbies: Weightlifting and cooking
Lives: Simlock with flat mate Tony
Job: Fitness instructor
Personal item: weights
Spend money on: "If I was to win the money I would buy a house and a sports car"

Name: Brad
Age: 35
Hates: Early mornings
Hobbies:Swimming and partying
Lives: Sim York with wife and 2 small kids
Job: Bank manager
Personal item: Juke box
Spend money on: "There is no doubt about it I will win the money and divorce my wife then send my kids to boarding school"

Name: Scott
Age: 21
Hates: Messy people and show offs
Hobbies: surfing and listening to music
Lives: In Simbach with parents
Job: Student
Personal item: Playstation
Spend the money on: "I hope I win the money because I have a lot of student loans to pay off then I can concentrate with my studying

Who will win?
I know the game hasn't even started yet but at the moment who do you think or want to win send me an e-mail to tell me

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Dont forget to come back and find out what happens in the house
who do you dislike?